Monday, October 18, 2021

Jesse Halsey 1935


"Twenty-five years ago, I was ordained. A quarter of a century and I have seen the overturning of all the substantial verities of my youth and of that generation into which I was born. The greatest war in history, in it I had a little part; the eternal verities of many centuries have been challenged—who can say how successfully; the Bible, the bulwark of my fathers faith, for twelve generations has been entirely re-edited (as it were) and the swift succession of mechanical invention and scientific knowledge has revolutionized the world of communication of transportation and of travel. I pinch myself to see if I am I." --Reverend Jesse Halsey 1935 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Seventh Church, Rev. Jesse Halsey, D.D., Pastor

22 May 1930 | The Presbyterian Banner

The Seventh Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati is looked upon as one of the most influential in Cincinnati. For sixteen years the present pastor has led his people on in a steady forward march.


There is no more modest man in the ministry, nor more princely in character. His influence permeates into every nook and corner and particularly where there is need. In some mysterious way he has an intuition for sensing homes of sorrow and need—and his sense of duty draws him away from everything else and carries him to those whom he can help. His congregation is the wealthiest in the Presbytery, but the pastor is ever alert for the needs of the humble. Jesse Halsey has not an enemy in the world and all who know him cherish his friendship as a choice treasure. Like the Master, he goes about doing good.