Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Seventh Presbyterian Church Pulpit To Be Vacated December 7

The Enquirer, Cincinnati
Saturday, November 29, 1941

On Same Day In Unusual Series of Ceremonies.

Dr. Jesse Halsey To Be Succeeded
By Rev. Clayton E. Williams
Of Sewickley, PA

Seventh Presbyterian Church will be the setting for an event unique in the history of Presbyterianism in Cincinnati on Sunday, December 7. On that date Dr. Jesse Halsey, who has been pastor there since Palm Sunday, 1913, will sever his pastoral relationship and "declare the pulpit vacant" at the morning communion service. At a special evening service will welcome the new pastor, Rev. Clayton E. Williams, who will be installed at that time and who immediately will assume full pastoral charge. Rev. Mr. Williams will assist Dr. Halsey at the morning service.

Seldom, if ever, in the history of the churches of the local Presbytery has the outgoing minister severed his connection with the church on the same day that the new minister was to be installed. The friendly cooperation of Dr. Halsey, Rev. Mr. Williams, and officials of Seventh Presbyterian Church has made several possible arrangements for such an auspicious occasion.

Rev. John H. Cowan, Moderator of the Presbytery of Cincinnati, will preside and propound the constitutional questions at the installation service Sunday night.


Rev. Samuel G. Warr, assistant pastor of the church, will offer invocation, Rev. Lester E. Kemper, Kennedy Heights Presbyterian Church, will lead the responsive reading. Standish Meacham, elder of the church, will read the Scripture, and Dr. Earl R. North, Executive Secretary of the Presbytery, will offer the prayer.

Rev. Joseph R. Sizoo, pastor of St. Nicholas Collegiate church of New York City, will deliver the sermon. Dr. Halsey will give the charge to the people, and Rev. William T. Paterson, Norwood Presbyterian Church, will give the charge to the pastor.

Dr. Halsey, who is taking over the chair of pastoral theology and liturgics at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Chicago, will leave with his family for Chicago December 8. In addition to his work at the seminary, he will act as supervisor of the students' time and be their "trouble shooter" in helping them to work out the theories that they have learned in the classroom. He and his family reside at 846 Chalmers Place in Chicago.


Nationally known as a Presbyterian leader, Dr. Halsey has been identified with many important church, civic, and philanthropic organizations throughout his many years in this city.

Rev. Mr. Williams, who served the American Church in Paris, France, for many years as assistant pastor and as pastor, brought his family to this country after the occupation of Paris, then returned to unoccupied France where he did refugee work last spring. As he was not allowed to return to his church in Paris, he again returned to the United States, and has been residing at Sewickley, PA.

Son of a Presbyterian minister, Rev. Mr. Williams was born in Peoria, Ill., on May 28, 1894. He attended Butler College, Indianapolis, the University of Paris, and Western Theological Seminary. He served with the Army Y. M. C. A. in France in 1917-18 and received a commission in the air service. He was ordained to the ministry in Indianapolis in September, 1925.

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