B. The Department of Pastoral Theology
Professor Halsey**
The purpose of this department is to prepare the pastor
practically for the various spheres of usefulness today claiming his service.
It deals with personal piety, his family life, his social manners, his
intellectual habits, his pulpit presence, his executive and administrative
responsibilities, and his relationships to his congregation, to the community,
and to society.
*P 101. Common Worship. The principle of worship; theory and
practice. Orders of worship; regular and special days. Writing of collects and
prayers. The history of Christian worship. A foundation course with much
writing and practice. ½ major, Winter quarter, Junior year.
*P 102. Church Policy. A consideration of the principles of
the Presbyterian system of government, administrative and judicial, including
the sacraments, ½ major, Spring quarter, Middle year.
*P 103. Functions of the Minister. A study of the minister
himself; his habits; his education, cultural, and devotional development;
essential qualities; fatal errors; duties in the parish; counseling;
evangelism; the minister as “friend at large.” Discussion, lectures, and
demonstration. ½ major, Autumn quarter, Senior year.
P 103-105. Practicum in Pastoral Theology. For men serving
churches as student pastors or assistants. Orientation toward pastoral
responsibilities; discussion of problems; supervision of field work in church
activities. ¼ major, Each quarter.
P 113. Liturgical Practice. This course continues the study
begun in Course P 101. It includes an intensive study of the church year and of
special services which the minister must conduct. The minister’s practice is
related to basic liturgical theory and history. ½ major.
P 114. Pastor’s Use of the Bible. Lectures, discussion,
demonstration in the minister’s use of the English Bible for devotional and
liturgical purposes. Bible passages and quotations for sick calling, for
evangelistic and other services. Prayer-meeting talks, biographical studies of
great Scripture characters, etc. An effort to relate the student’s knowledge of
the Bible to pastoral duties. ¼ major, Spring quarter.
P 118. The Larger Parish. The Seminary has part in two
larger parish projects. One in Mattoon Presbytery offers closely supervised
work to six students who serve pastorates under the direction of Rev. Harry
Bicksler, the Pastor-Director. In the Summer quarter these student pastors meet
two hours each week in a Seminar Conference supervised by Mr. Bicksler, Dr.
Cummins, and Professor Halsey. Representatives of the State Agricultural
College, the Farm Bureau, the State Teachers’ College, the Federal Farm Bureau,
the Grange and other organizations take part. 1 major.
P 140. Practicum in Church Management. Discussion of
problems in the care of property, the development of organizations, the
promotion of campaigns, and finances. Open to Middlers and Seniors. (Professor
Halsey, Vice-President Neigh, Mr. Potts.) ¼ major.
P 143. Methods and Types of Evangelism. Reading and
discussion of the types of evangelism; personal, parish, pastoral, group.
(Professor Halsey and Professor Frank, assisted by local pastors.) ½ major.
* Prescribed for Seminary students.
** On leave Winter and Spring quarters, 1946-47. Prescribed
courses in Pastoral Theology were given in the Autumn quarter.