Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dr. David Horace Hallock eulogy

Jesse Halsey | 1950

David Horace Hallock, of sturdy Long Island ancestry, he loved his native heath, and whether the ocean in storm, or the woods in the autumn of springtime, he knew the roads and paths hereabouts and reveled in nature in all her moods.

He was a student of history and the events of the past had rivals in his interest only in the doings of the present. Not only did he observe the passing scene, but he helped create it. Not only in the first World War where he won the Purple Heart (though he never spoke of it), but in the organization of the local Legion he gave his time and strength beyond measure; a Patriot in word and action; in deed and in truth.

A good citizen contributing time, intelligence, and money to good causes in this community; the Boy Scout’s organization owes its origin and growth to him.

A scholar in his tastes with higher degrees from Hamilton and Hopkins he pursued his historical research and became a Fellow of the American Historical Society. But it was naturally, in his chose profession, where his scholarly diligence bore its largest harvest. Preparing himself, in the best schools of our time, for the practice of medicine, he, like his grandfather before him, went into general practice and became the beloved physician of many homes in the village. Such he continued, for many of us to the end, but increasingly he turned to surgery and with long and diligent application to that art became the chief of the surgical staff in the expanding Southampton hospital.

But it was as an understanding friend that we, his patients, came to rely on him, taking his professional skill unconsciously, as part of that ministry of friendship that he rendered to so many of us.

Capable but never self-assertive, always at the call of those in need he went his quiet way respected and beloved and now that his busy, useful life is finished here, two verses of Scripture come home to us, “He giveth his beloved sleep, He has earned his rest.” And this also, “His servants shall serve Him,” and Somewhere out beyond our present ken his life goes on—

“What is excellent,
As God lives, is permanent;
Hearts are dust; heart’s loves remain;
Heart’s love will meet thee again.” (Emerson)

(More personal) David’s grandfather introduced me to this terrestrial ball, and he, David (or Horace as we used to call him), was there when our only child to be born in Southampton, arrived. His oldest boy was born under the same roof that first sheltered me and he died in the house built by my great-uncle, for whom I was named. Our paths crossed often, always with a hail and farewell that now becomes more imperative but not permanent. Three years ago, he pulled me out of the doldrums, climbing our steep back-stair at the sacrifice of his own strength. It was that and a thousand other “gestures of help” that finally, accumulating across the years, took him. Like so many others, I am his debtor—and am grateful.

Within a week of his passing a reserve officer wired into the Pentagon—“Available, dependable, expendable; Wire when and where.” Dave Hallock was like that—available, dependable, expendable, always everywhere.


Prologue: Our Aim

"We hope to be of help to the young Christian minister who aspires to prepare himself to lead his people in worshipping of Almighty God. First, to make a simple pattern growing out of the basic principles, Scriptural and psychological, underlying the experience, and then to suggest helps in developing material suited to promote the Experience, such as Orders of Service, the construct of prayers, and conduct of the “Service.” Emphasis will be laid constantly on the abundance of liturgical material found in Holy Scripture—and in prayers of the ages. The content rather than the form is emphasized. It is our belief that the simplest form can be made to carry heavy freight of spiritually uplifting matter if the sources available are used by one who knows the basic pattern of worship. Simple and useable helps are here recorded that give assistance in formulating public prayer and making Worship “real.” No criticism is implied of classical or standard liturgies, they are drafted for our own purposes and to those in the tradition of a liturgical communion these helps will be unnecessary."

--Dr. Jesse Halsey, in an unpublished, draft introduction to the 1946 revision of the Book of Common Worship

Jesse Halsey Autobiography


When I was a boy the North Main Street in the Spring was either a rushing torrent or a muddy slough. The melting snow all the way from Long Springs sought its hurried way to the town pond or rather the swamp that then extended as far north as Capt. George White’s lot (Jagger Lane). I have gone from our back gate in a row-boat all the way to the pond and could of course gone on to the beach. My playmate, Lewis Hildreth, as we were sailing shingle boats from a footbridge, fell off and was swept away. I “hollered” with all my lungs and Mr. Charles Seldon (Halsey) ran down and pulled him out. (We were about five years old.)

When the water had gone the frost came out and with the churching of darn wagon wheels the clay became a veritable “slough of despond” through which the horses wallowed, the wheels cutting ever deeper. The sod was cut from tree line to tree line through some put out rails to save the sod and keep the traffic in the roadbed.

Once, coming home from Camp’s Pond with a load of pine wood as we passed “Uncle Sam” Bishop’s he called out, “Pick a good rut, Charlie, you’ll be in it till you get home.”

There was quite a hill coming up toward our place, from what is now Powell Avenue (as the contour of the lawns on the east side of Main St. will reveal) and it was hard pulling for the horses. Main St. is none too straight following an old cow path likely which eased these (small) hills by circumventing them (circumnavigate would be a better word under the two conditions I have mentioned). When the mud had gone and Mr. Dan Phillips had guided the road scraper through the village with two teams tandem pulling the machine, with the oncoming of summer dust took the place of mud and only after the “Yorkers” came was any attempt made to sprinkle the streets.

The first watering carts were low box affairs made locally by George Culver or Andy Jagger that with a trap bottom backed into the town pond (Lake Agawam) and when they were full the horses drew them out and the bottom closed. When they reached the proper place on the street the driver opened the gate and the water ran out through some perforations in a pipe, leaving a trail about six feet wide. A limited area was patrolled, Main St. from the beach to Seely’s Store (no Catina’s) and First Neck Lane—not much more. Later came the windmills installed by the Southampton Village Improvement Association and big Studebaker cars that carried a thousand gallons (I estimate) were circulated over a wider area. One of the big windmills was located back of our barn with an immense tank that furnished a bountiful supply not only for the [railroad] watering cars, but piped into our barn and cow-yard, watered our stock. Before that time it was my daily duty after school to man the old log pump that stood by the back door and pump water that ran through wooden troughs to the barn-yard. Ultimately, the water also piped into our house.

These and other windmills disappeared gradually after the Water Works were built. The pumping station was (and is) north end of the Village. At first it was a pneumatic system, there was no standpipe as at present. In case of fire, the air pump was started and pressure pushed up. Everyone was very proud of the quality of the water—“it never saw the air till it reached your faucet.” Some of the city people had it bottled and sent to their New York homes. One enthusiast took a supply on a shipboard to Europe with him! The trenches were all labouringly dug by hand. Often they caved in before the mains could be laid. With a succession of rains, a stretch on Windmill Lane caved in six times before the pipes finally were in. The man (Johnson) who took that assignment at so much a foot said that “he was gipped, by Jimminy.”

In the haunts of my boyhood on the Millstone Brook Road is a spring. It was in a setting of great oaks on a knoll sloping down to the bay, the deep shadows made a setting for ferns, a place of rare beauty. As I came along one day I found an artist painting the scene.

Some months later, coming to the same spot I found men taking samples of the water for chemical analysis and biological tests. A great house was rising across the road and the engineers were looking for an uncontaminated abundant water supply.

The next summer on a hot August afternoon I came along and there was a scout troop, weary with the hike and hot and thirsty. They were drinking greedily from the spring of the abundant bubbling water.

Religion is like that; it has three aspects: 1) the aesthetic that takes in shape in architectural form and liturgical that expresses deep meaning in sonorous and meaningful phrase; 2) the theoretical as in theology and philosophy; and above all 3) the practical, it meets human needs.

Post-Assembly Conference

The Kane Republican | May 1934
Jesse Halsey | 1934

The tumult and the shouting dies, the Bishops and Elders depart and we are left in our solitude to take up our parish duties. What is the aftermath of the assembly for our churches and for us? Twenty odd of our ministers were gathered for breakfast and talked it over

To a couple of the older men it was a reminder of old times, for once upon a time not far remote this Presbytery was given to controversies, as it is now given to hospitality. The fire-works of the Assembly reminded us of the heresy and other trials here endured (and in a measure enjoyed, by the fathers, I verily believe). No doubt there were those in this Assembly who felt that the main business of the Church is the discussion of doctrinal issues—but such are in a minority. It is becoming evident that the Church is setting herself foreword to the Lord’s business and, that within a wide latitude, Christian men of good-will in Presbyterian circles must subordinate their jealous dogmatisms to their Lord and His work. Within tow decades this Presbytery has moved in that direction very vigorously and thoroughly—may it be a prophesy for the whole church.

Most of us feel that “social action,” though it looks good in print and will have a fair share in the minutes was not very near the heart of the Assembly. With the Naval maneuvers in full swing there is at least one commissioner who regrets that he spoke no word in protest, (and this commissioner has no over weaning confidence in resolutions). “The centre of interest in our denomination is “institutional rather than passional”—one man put it thus.”

Everyone spoke of the Moderator. How he towered above the situation; fair and firm; dignified and forceful; adequate always. (I should use quotation marks, for these were actual comments.) No piousity but real spiritual quality in all he siaid and did. He deserved the office and now, more than ever, he deserves the thanks fof his church.

Dr. Covert’s sermon was highly appreciated—“would that the Assembly had lived up to its spirit.” Dr. Speer’s ovation drew hearty approval. The curious attack on him (of all people); the wholesome reaction throughout the Church toward The Cause and its Senior Secretary; we talked about these things.

“A blood letting process, but necessary,” “two Assemblies have known just what they wanted to do,” “it had to be done.” Only one out of twenty felt that another year of “grace and conference” should have been allowed the “Machenites,” and this one was our arch-liberal who wants all shades of opinion and conviction sheltered within the fold. Most of us within the year have been converted to the necessity of the constitutional process, taking its course.

Our churches have profited by the Popular meetings, they have suffered by the newspaper publicity. Every missionary and secretarial address of presentation was an asset, some of the debates a liability. Old time politicians who looked in, have (half a dozen of them) said to the writer, in one form or another, “You could show us things”; “the church has nothing on us”; “your Moderator ought to be Speaker of the House.”

“We are glad they came”; “we are glad they are going out of Ohio next year”—our feelings are mixed, as must be those of every sincere Christian and Churchman—the distortion, the lack of perspective—these things trouble us all, but beneath and beyond the flotsam and jetsam is the steady tide and its set is forward.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dr. John Nugent, Sr. | Obituary

The East Hampton Star | January 20, 1944
"Mother had died, quite young, when boy was five or less; father lived ever under its shadow; older sisters always thought that if father had been less stubborn (loyal) and had the new doctor who had come fresh from Ann Arbor and never lost a case of pneumonia, likely mother would have lived--who knows." --from "Hatchment" by Jesse Halsey

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dr. Thomas and Miriam Marsh Haynes

Thomas and Miriam moved from Haverhill MA to Bennington VT between 1 March 1763 when their son Samuel was born in Haverhill, MA, and 4 January 1765, when their son Jonathan was born at Bennington.

Dr. Thomas Haynes was in the Battle of Bennington. Thomas served as surgeon in Gen. Amherst's army and was present at the taking of Ticonderoga, and accompanied the prisoners to Cambridge, MA.

[Ethen Allen had organized a volunteer militia, the Green Mountain Boys, to resist New York's bid to take over Bennington. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, the force offered their services against the British, and under orders from the CT legislature, captured Fort Ticonderoga 10 May 1775. In 1778 Allan appeared before the Continental Congress in behalf of a claim by Vermont for recognition as an independent state, and he and his brother Ira devoted most of their time to that end.]
On 27 April 1782, Thomas Haynes was one of the appraisers of the inventory of John Armstrong, late of Bennington. At the distribution of the estate, Sibbeus Armstrong was Administrator and Guardian to the minor children, and Thomas Haynes of Bennington was Surety.

In 1789 Thomas Haynes went to North Hero VT to look after some land which he owned there. He died at North Hero on 26 November 1789. His family afterwards moved to this place and continued to live there. North Hero was in Chittenden County in 1787-1792, Franklin County in 1792-1802, and Grand Isle County from 1802 on.

Probate Records
Guardianships of the Children.

Aaron Haynes was appointed guardian to Moses Haynes, minor son of Thomas Haynes of Bennington, deceased. Mr. Aaron Haynes and Samuel Haynes posted bond.

Mrs. Miriam Haynes, widow, was appointed guardian to Huldah Haynes and Miriam Haynes, minor daughters of Thomas Haynes late of Bennington, deceased. Mrs. Miriam Haynes and Samuel Haynes executed a bond L1000.

David Haynes was appointed guardian to Elijah Haynes minor son of Doctor Thomas Haynes late of Bennington deceased. Mr. David Haynes and Zepheniah Holmes executed a bond of L500.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Blue Blood

Melvina Dunreath Terry [of Terrytown] married Charles Halsey [of Southampton], Melvina's sister, Joanna Augusta Terry married Charles's brother Wilmun Halsey [of Southampton], Melvina's brother, Thomas Reuben Terry, married Josephine Adelaide Terry and had Adelaide Terry who married W. G. Corwin [of Southampton], Melvina's sister Susan Alma Terry married George Kinsey, and Melvina's other sister Amanda LaCost Terry married Sylvester Ruland. Joanna Augusta Terry and Wilmun Halsey had one daughter, Edna Halsey. Amanda LaCost Terry and Sylvester Ruland had five children: Augustus, Phebe, Leroy, Melvina [Vinie], and Chester. Their son, Leroy Ruland, married Edna Halsey, his first cousin, [of Southampton].

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jesse Halsey Installation

The Cincinnati Enquirer | 24 October 1913

Leave is Granted to Pastor to Introduce Y.M.C.A. in Russian Army

27 August 1917
The Cincinnati Enquirer

Rev. Jesse Halsey, pastor of the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Walnut Hills, was granted an indefinite leave of absence, with salary and expenses, by trustees of the church yesterday to enable him to undertake his new task as one of the leaders who will place facilities of the American Y.M.C.A. at the disposal of the Russian armies.

Rev. Mr. Halsey returned to Cincinnati yesterday for a few hours after an absence of more than a month. He left at midnight for Chicago en route to San Francisco, from which point he will sail September 1 for Russia. Petrograd is the destination of his party of 11, the vanguard of the Y.M.C.A. in Russia.

Petrograd Militia Quits
Petrograd, August 26—The entire militia, which has been employed since the revolution to police Petrograd, resigned today on account of the refusal of a demand for an increase in pay.

Jesse Halsey on “Mothers”

The Cincinnati Enquirer
12 May 1919

Rev. Jesse Halsey at Seventh Presbyterian Church, Walnut Hills, last night preached on “The Mother of the Neighborhood.”

“In the days before trained nurses she was the one sent for in time of illness and she was the presiding genius at the advent of each new life in the community,” said Rev. Mr. Halsey. “Her hands closed the eyes of the dead. Her memory is redolent with sweetness—that pervasive fragrance of personality, indescribably, yet real—that lingers as the perfume of rosemary laid within the pages of a treasured volume.

“She lived in a house of a story and a half, and in the attic hung herbs and roots, harvested in season, to meet the needs of the sick of the neighborhood—wormwood for ‘spring fever,’ hopes for bruises and flaxseed for poultices.

“She had suffered and knew sympathy. Three of her boys had gone to sea never to return, and every boy in the neighborhood found a mother in her. Her income was not large, but she always had enough to keep a fellow out of a scrape, when, for instance, he might break a window pane with a misdirected snowball.

“Her house was near the school and a hundred children crossed the yard daily, sometimes trespassing on her garden, but they were never refused the short-cut route. To most of them the inexhaustible cookie jar was always open.

“I make no apology for presenting her here in company with Mary of Bethany, for of both alike it may be said, ‘She has done what she could . . .’”

Jesse Halsey on “Flappers”

14 May 1922
Emma L. Fetta

A minister, Rev. Dr. Jesse Halsey, of Seventh Presbyterian Church was approached about the flapper. Yes, he, too, had seen her, and this is what he had to say about her:

“The flapper is one of our post-war inheritances. She will pass with time. In the meantime she is helping along the depression of moral acuteness that made her possible. No people can survive repeated attacks upon their ideal, and our highest ideals are represented in our traditional (call it ‘puritan’ if you will) attitude toward women. Chivalry is impossible if our girls and women are unworthy of chivalrous treatment, and anything that tends to lower womenkind in the estimation of men is detrimental to morals.

“Men of the better sort inwardly despise the flapper and her class. They will talk of her, play with her, but not marry her. When a young man thinks about his future home seriously he finds the flapper type too shallow—he wants the kind of wife that reminds him of mother.

“The flapper has marked a distinct letting down of American tradition, a minister pointed out to me. In the Colonial days the life in the New England States and that in the South was different, but, if anything, the daughter and wife of Virginia even was more protected than their Puritan sisters. The thing which the flapper stands for to-day in the way of living and thinking is a direct detour from our national standards. Sadly enough, it is not a forward step; a change forward would certainly not be regrettable, but under present interpretation the step can mean nothing more than retrogression.

“Of course there are many fake flappers who are not really so bad as they pretend to be, or as they paint themselves to be literally—and figuratively. There are many fake flappers who do not actually get drunk. The extraordinary thing is that they will lead you to believe they do. Their insinuations about hip pockets and the ‘devilish men’ they know invite their own placement among the lowest class of women.

“Why do they deliberately invite this classification? Ah, there you have asked a question! Hearsay has made up many a mind and hearsay has said it is fashionable, chic, smart, what you will, to be ‘fast.’ So far as I can see it is merely that at which the flapper is aiming. As the ‘Gentleman With the Duster’ said: ‘We are all in the hands of cynicism. All those high and beautiful things which the noblest sons of men have cherished in all generations now stand at the peril of brutality; and no statesmanship along can save them. The one insurance against calamity is a new climate of opinion universal as the air breathe. The mind of humanity must live.”

Committee of Seventy-nine to Help Protestant Conference at Geneva.

An American Ecumenical Conference Committee compose of seventy-nine church leaders, has been formed in preparation for the Protestant Ecumenical Conference, which will be held on Aug. 10 and 11, at Geneva, Switzerland. It will be the first such council since the Reformation.


March 23, 1920
New York Times
Explains Its Aims to 800 Men of National Prominence at Hotel Pennsylvania. 
$336,000,000 FUND ASKED 
Roosevelt's Name Is Cheered, but Crowd Keeps Silent Over Words of Wilson.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., announced last evening at a dinner in the Pennsylvania Hotel to more than 800 business men, that he expected every one of them to do personal work in connection with the campaign from April 25 to May 2, next, to raise $336,000,000 for the Interchurch World Movement.

“The Ministerial Ordination of Women”

“The century in which we are now living is unmistakably woman’s. Today there is probably no profession, properly so called, to which woman is not admitted, except that of the Christian ministry.

Under protest woman has entered many professions for which she was not deemed qualified by man, but in which she has made good. While we admit that all professional women have not always been successful women, there are sufficient examples to prove that she is capable of attaining the standards attained by men. Many examples might be quoted to prove this. . . .

We believe that women’s ‘ability’ to qualify in any profession where intelligence and spirituality are requirements is indisputable. Sex, which was long considered a barrier to woman, has been almost forgotten as a handicap, since the world war found her ready to attempt anything, when the call was urgent and the need imperative. However, there are several natural and conspicuous reasons why it should be felt undesirable to call woman to this highest and most sacred office of the Christian Church.

With the exception of the medical profession, there is none with such continuous hours. A minister must answer calls all hours of the day and night and in all seasons of the year. It would not seem practical or possible for women who are mothers to accept such an added physical responsibility as this profession entails, nor is it acceptable to think that such a profession, if open to women, should be left wholly to unmarried women. This could possibly lead in time to a new form of celibacy.”

--Mrs. Blanche Dickens-Lewis, Synodical President of Home Missions for Ohio
March 24, 1920

InterChurch Industrial Relations Department Conference | October 1919

"The Interchurch World Movement and the Great Steel Strike of 1919-1920," Eldon G. Ernst , Church History, Vol. 39, No. 2 (Jun., 1970), pp. 212-22; Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the American Society of Church History ; Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3163388.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Overall Movement

April 26, 1920 | The Cincinnati Enquirer

A Dry Navy and a Dry Russia

The Cincinnati Enquirer | 4 November 1918

"I am more interested in the Kingdom of God, than in the Presbyterian Church."


Union of Churches Urged By Rev. Jesse Halsey, Who Champions World Movement

Elimination of sectarianism and willingness to go forward in one body for the sole perpetuation of the spirit of righteousness and the worship of Christ was urged by Rev. Jesse Halsey, in a sermon at Seventh Presbyterian Church, Madison road and Cleinview avenue, yesterday.

“The time has come for us to abandon personal differences and work unitedly on the task,” said Rev. Mr. Halsey. “So far as I am concerned there is nothing distinctive enough about a Presbyterian church to keep us from uniting with the Congregational, the Methodist, and the Episcopal churches in one organic body. That time of organic union may be far off, though it is a day devotedly to be hoped for. In the meantime, let us co—operate in every way possible by working toward the more remote goal.

“The Inter-Church World Movement represents the most successful attempt at such co-operation. Some things can be done together, even while the church remains divided, such as united survey, the elimination of competition in mission work, and a united drive for necessary funds.

“The average business man has little patience with overlapping and denominational competition, cares little for hairsplitting creedal differences, but is, as I see him, tremendously interested in the cause of righteousness and the essential tasks of the kingdom of God.

“I have so great a respect for the ‘Faith once delivered’ that it goes back to the day of a united Church, when men of all sorts companied together, and the sole condition of membership was the possession of the spirit of Jesus; this was the New Testament Church. There was large local differences in government in that church, many varieties of theological opinion, and much diversity in worship, but it was an effective organization for its divine purpose, held together by loyalty to Jesus and consecration to His aims.

“Such respect have I for that church and that ‘Faith’ that anything that emphasizes the decisive and distinguishing doctrines of my denomination seems too modern to enlist my allegiance. In other words, I am more interested in the Kingdom of God, than in the Presbyterian Church.

“Publicity has been given recently to an alleged opposition of Cincinnati delegates who are to attend the Presbyterian General Assembly in World Movement. This report is erroneous. No action has been taken by the Cincinnati Presbytery looking in that direction: six out of eight of Cincinnati delegates are out for the InterChurch Movement. An overwhelming majority of our people are for co-operation rather than for a sectarian denomination interest first and foremost.

“So far as the minister of this church can shape its policies, and so far as he understand the temper of the officers and members of the Seventh Church, this church shall always stand for the great essential Christian teachings concerning God and man’s duty. We welcome all the disciples in the perpetuation of a distinctly Presbyterian dogma. Our interest is in the promotion of the Kingdom of God and our creed lays an ethical emphasis rather an intellectual.

“So long as denominations exist, we will be loyal in our own regiment. We find here a congenial mode of church government, but we claim for it no divine right. When the day for a unified command comes, we will thank God. And if we understand the signs of the times, that day is approaching.”

Students Of Sabbath Schools Should Be Taught Philanthropy


"[Philanthropy] should become a part of the Sunday schools. It would be well to [hire] a director of social activity whose [thinking] should be to relate the Sunday school to social help for others," declared Rev. Samuel Tyler, rector of the Church of the Advent, at yesterday's supper of workers in the Baptist Institute at the Ninth Street Church. Mr. Tyler Is President of the Social Workers' Club of this city.

"The relation of the Sunday school and social service has been barely touched upon," said Mr. Tyler. "Religon is essentially social. The aim of present-day Christianity is to make the world a better place to live in. We must teach the child in the Sunday school the social character of Christianity. The principle of service is vital. We must try to make the children see their responsibility for the welfare of others.

"Especially can we follow this out in the public health and preventable disease. Every year over half a million deaths occur which could be spared. If Christ was the Great Physician his followers ought to be interested in the sorrow and waste of disease that need not be. "Our Sunday-school teachers must try to relate their teachings to life. The children, individually or in classes, should help poor families, visit philanthropic institutions or keep in touch with the movement for the social betterment. The public school children often clean the streets. There is no reason why Sunday-school children should not do so also. The better way to carry this out I would suggest the appointment in each school of a director of social activity to outline the ways of service . . ."

Episcopal Pastor to Take Part at Installation Service in Seventh Church

October 2, 1913 | The Continent

History of Lynn, Massachusetts | 1897

"The Continent" | February 27, 1919


Will Address Fathers and Sons
Cincinnati—Cincinnati Presbytery, through its committee on education is arranging for a father and son dinner in the Church of the Covenant on March 7. Dr. W. O. Thompson, president of Ohio State University, is to make an address.

Keep Him Busy—Rev. Jesse Halsey, pastor of Seventh church, who saw two years of service with Dr. Grenfell, on the Labrador, and who has recently returned from a year of Y.M.C.A. service in Russia, has delivered nearly a hundred addresses since his return.

Give Auto to Pastor—Rev. A. L. Wilson, of Cincinnati Wyoming Church, who spend some months at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, and later became engaged in “hut” work in Cincinnati, has recently been presented with a new automobile by his men members, who said they were tired of seeing him go about with “Lizzie.” The ladies of the church gave Mrs. Wilson a camping outfit.