Wednesday, December 10, 2014

14 April 1949 | Jennie Lawton Scarsdale to JH re AFH

April 14, 1949
Scarsdale, N.Y.

Dr. Halsey:

Brother of my very dear friend Abigail Halsey. My dear Sir: just last Christmas I first heard of your sister’s death through the kindness of her Attorney-at-Law, W.B. Platt, who upon request sent me your address. For the past few years neither of us had written letters and I deeply regret this as only in this way did I keep in touch with her .

Several years ago 1919-’21, I was closely associated with her. I was in Social Hygiene mode with the Government and my duties in connection with the Camp Upton covered Suffolk Co. travel orders over Long Island, office in Patchogue. My headquarters in Southampton were the Post House and I knew and loved dearly the White family. All a vivid happy memory. Abigail Halsey was the first President of the Social Workers Club and I Vice Pres. My home is in Athol Massachusetts but during the past winters I have lived with my brother—Arthur L. Lawton, 80 Anderson Ave., Scarsdale, N.Y., and am at that address at the present time. Both your sisters Mrs. White and Abigail motored to Athol and we had a lovely time together in my home next to Cong’l Church in the Upper Village. This note can only express to you the deep loss I felt at losing such a mutual friend, that her beautiful expressions in verse and in many letters revealed the greatness of a noble woman and that the great blessing that came with my life by knowing her.

This is a very poor expression and I can only ask that you will see beyond the writing and through it with an understanding of how much tribute I would like to give my dear, dear, Abigail.

That she is now with the Savior we loved and served and receiving the greatest blessings any of us can hope for, is a joy to me.

She spoke to me often about you and of her deep affection.

Most sincerely,
(Miss Jennie) E. Lawton
(80 Anderson Ave., Scarsdale, N.Y.)

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