Wednesday, February 5, 2014

from "Among the Deep Sea Fishers" | October 1911

Items from the Grenfell Association of America

The results from some of the articles in the July number of the Magazine have been very satisfactory. We have received a cheque for $35 to pay the vacation expenses of the one of the twins at the School for the Blind in Halifax; I wonder if any other office has had a gift for the same purpose? The article asking for supplies for the industrial work has brought responses to the amount of about $30; Mr. Halsey’s appeal for the students at Pratt Institute has brought another $30. These funds are being held for the express purposes for which they were given.

J. L. G., Secretary.
20th September, 1911

Items from the New England Grenfell Association

We rejoice that the piping for the new reservoir was sent, and we learn from Mr. Halsey that he has been able to build the new reservoir by the great help of the splendid volunteer work given by the college men who went to St. Anthony this summer, all of whom have given labour of the kind that resulted in furnishing this most needed water supply for the buildings the coming year. Think what it will mean to the hospital where heretofore the supply has never been equal to the demand, and twenty to thirty barrels a day have had to be brought in in pails and buckets. The New England Grenfell Association has furnished the money for this piping ($137), and the balance of the thousand dollars for the fittings of the buildings. Every two dollar membership helps in these necessary equipments. We hope the coming year may add many new names to our membership list here in New England. The supplies for the hospitals annually and for the various machinery call for our annual renewals of contributions.

E. E. White, Secretary 

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