Monday, September 7, 2009

DRAFT 2: Oct. 31, 1939

DRAFT 2: Justine Comstock Halsey to Myron Barbour, Esq.
Oct. 31, 1939
JCH: 435 Riverside Street, Reno
MB: Cincinnati, Ohio

Dear Myron—
Thank you for your letter of the twenty-third and for your again taking an interest in us. Now I will be waiting for more definite news from you and hoping that Charles signs the power of attorney soon as the case is scheduled for November sixteenth. [Deleted: All of my expenses have run higher than I had planned upon so additional days, beyond the six weeks will be difficult to finance and I am asking aid of no one in that respect.]

I do not understand there being any difficulty regarding the custody of the child, [Deleted: I am willing to cooperate with the Halseys.] All I want is to safe guard Cameron in case anything should happen to both Charles and Dr. Halsey.

Charles said in a letter to me that he was considering coming to Reno. I certainly hope he does not and in case he did I would see him only in the presence of Judget Lundsford—and only to discuss legal questions.

Thanking you again for your interest—I will never forget your share in trying to start us off right.


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