Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Abbie's Account of Frederick

Frederick Isham Halsey | Delta Upsilon | Cornell University | 1932
"Frederick played sax, Billy violin. There were two grand pianos in the living room of the manse [in Cincinnati] and their mother would invite various ladies over to play. All the children took art classes on Saturday mornings at the Cincinnati Art Museum with a Mrs. Alexander. Helen got the most out of the classes. Frederick was handsome and popular and went, along with Charles, to the Cincinnati cotillions and socialized a great deal. Sometime during his year at Cornell he suffered a minor injury playing football, which spiraled into a deep depression. He intended to continue on at Cornell, but the Great Depression and the 'closing of the banks' prevented his return, as well as Helen's planned enrollment at Wellesley. After some time at Wooster College, Frederick's depression was so extreme that he was institutionalized in sanitariums at Johns Hopkins, White Plains, and in Cincinnati. It was at the Cincinnati Sanitarium that he contracted tuberculosis."

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