Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Things seem to get harder for us in place of better"

Dear Dr. Halsey,

We had a hoped by this time to have sent you all or at least a part of what we owe you.

Things seem to get harder for us in place of better, we are not giving up, but we are discouraged.

We want you to know we have not forgotten you and your help and are hoping soon that things will break for us so we can show you we mean it.

We went to the country after Hubert left us, took a cheap little place and set about to get ahead.

In a few weeks the C.&D. laid off there [sic] men and in 2 months Lois and Bob came home it was hard but we kept working on. Then the baby came she was less than a year old, when my brother came down and asked me to help him with the care of Mamma and Dad as he could not send them as much as he had.

We had no money so all we could do was take them in with us. That ment [sic] a larger place and more expense. Lois and Bob said they would move and try it for themselves.

My brother gave me $45.00 a month to help with the expense, we did it for 3 yrs.

We were trying to help Lois and Bob what little we could, we gave them all their butter, milk and other little things, I was sick and the work and worry was more than I could stand and Lois needed us so badly.

Mamma and Dad thought they could do better alone.

Weldon got work in a garage in Montgomery while working there things picked up and Weldon got a better chance with Elliot in Reading Rd. Ford.

Then you know of Lois and Bob’s trouble, we then made a home for Lois and the babies. Things looked brighter but in Jan. Lois was taken to the hospital. But after a time we started to save a little again when I got a letter from my brother telling me he had lost his position and had no money. That I would have to take Dad. In March we got a larger house moved Dad in. In May 2 mos later, Elliot close up throwing Weldon out of work, with Lois her 2 babies and Dad beside ourselves to take care of. What little we had was soon gone. Weldon did every thing to make ends meet, but you know conditions.

In Jan. Weldon got a truck and is trying to build up a bakery business, it is very slow and people are out of work so they can’t buy much, but we believe if we can hang on physically, and financially, for a little while longer we can make a living out of it, and get some of your money to you. We don’t mind how hard the work if we can only do what is right for Lois and these babies and pay our way. Right now it is mighty tough, but we are hoping soon to get ahead. We do thank you and want you to know we haven’t forgotten you.

You have been an inspiration to us all.

Lois gets no help from her husband at all. And the little she makes don’t go very far, but she is much happier now, and we do so want to take care of her and the children.

With our deepest gratitude and thanks we are,

Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Leist

We hope you understand.

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