Wednesday, September 10, 2014

"The Continent" | February 27, 1919


Will Address Fathers and Sons
Cincinnati—Cincinnati Presbytery, through its committee on education is arranging for a father and son dinner in the Church of the Covenant on March 7. Dr. W. O. Thompson, president of Ohio State University, is to make an address.

Keep Him Busy—Rev. Jesse Halsey, pastor of Seventh church, who saw two years of service with Dr. Grenfell, on the Labrador, and who has recently returned from a year of Y.M.C.A. service in Russia, has delivered nearly a hundred addresses since his return.

Give Auto to Pastor—Rev. A. L. Wilson, of Cincinnati Wyoming Church, who spend some months at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, and later became engaged in “hut” work in Cincinnati, has recently been presented with a new automobile by his men members, who said they were tired of seeing him go about with “Lizzie.” The ladies of the church gave Mrs. Wilson a camping outfit.

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