Thursday, September 11, 2014

“The Ministerial Ordination of Women”

“The century in which we are now living is unmistakably woman’s. Today there is probably no profession, properly so called, to which woman is not admitted, except that of the Christian ministry.

Under protest woman has entered many professions for which she was not deemed qualified by man, but in which she has made good. While we admit that all professional women have not always been successful women, there are sufficient examples to prove that she is capable of attaining the standards attained by men. Many examples might be quoted to prove this. . . .

We believe that women’s ‘ability’ to qualify in any profession where intelligence and spirituality are requirements is indisputable. Sex, which was long considered a barrier to woman, has been almost forgotten as a handicap, since the world war found her ready to attempt anything, when the call was urgent and the need imperative. However, there are several natural and conspicuous reasons why it should be felt undesirable to call woman to this highest and most sacred office of the Christian Church.

With the exception of the medical profession, there is none with such continuous hours. A minister must answer calls all hours of the day and night and in all seasons of the year. It would not seem practical or possible for women who are mothers to accept such an added physical responsibility as this profession entails, nor is it acceptable to think that such a profession, if open to women, should be left wholly to unmarried women. This could possibly lead in time to a new form of celibacy.”

--Mrs. Blanche Dickens-Lewis, Synodical President of Home Missions for Ohio
March 24, 1920

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