Wednesday, February 5, 2014

from "Among the Deep Sea Fishers" | October 1912

Dr. Grenfell’s Log
St. Anthony, July 4th, 1912

The school was still hard at work. It had been greatly improved, and under the care of two teachers a great deal of special work had been done, while Mr. Halsey of Princeton, who had wintered there, had pushed adult class work to good effect.

Items from the New England Grenfell Association

… Many Boston friends are anticipating the home coming of Dr. and Mrs. Little this autumn for a well earned furlough; Dr. Little having been at St. Anthony for three years past without any rest and last winter without any assistant. He has been a tireless worker and faithful member of the staff and his name is known and loved the entire coast. His annual report shows a great work done and Mrs. Little much beloved by all at St. Anthony, brings with her, John Mason Little, 3rd, born on July 1st, at St. Anthony Hospital.

E.E. W. Secretary, September 10th, 1912

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